Monday 28 March 2011

Return of the pop art paintings

Previously I decided to scrap the idea of making paintings based around pop art but because I really liked this theme, I have decided to carry on with it anyway and put it in my exhibition at Walcot Chapel. I really enjoyed producing these paintings as it gave me a sense of freedom to do as I please and to experiment with different types of paint.

Monday 14 March 2011

Change of plan!!!

After having a tutorial, I have decided to scrap the pop art idea and my rug idea. Although I will carry on with it in my spare time as I really enjoy painting. I will now be creating garments/ costumes for Textiles which i will wear and photograph myself in and using my photographs for Art. My idea referring more to Scarification linking in with the slave trade rather than Plastic surgery.

Beginning of pop art painting

Friday 4 March 2011

Sculpture pieces for surgery

I have used found objects to create my sculpture pieces. This work is about manipulating objects related to beauty, rather than the body being manipulated into sometheing beautiful, I have manipulated objects used to manipulate the body into something beautiful, whether it is manipulating the way we smell, or changing the way we look. I have used glue to change the objects form as glue is used in some cosmetic surgeries to quicken the healing process. I have also used fake blood, representing blood shed.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Check out this website : Screentests

Andy Warhol made his own screentests( portraits made by filming people with just the person and the camera) and it tells you, how you can make your own. Amazing.

New ideas: Textiles

Yay!!! I finally know what to make for my final ideas. woop. Although I like my knit samples, I think they can be stronger. Also previously, my ideas didnt fully relate to the project which we were given: make texiles for american museum and scarification. didn't quite go, so I have decided to keep the scarification idea but link it in with American Folk Textiles. Magic. So will be spending time a lot of time crotching, knitting, felting, cutting up samples, restitching, embroiding to create rugs like this.

If you are into Folk Art look at:

It's a fab wesite

Pop Art: My newest Inspiration

Lately I have found a new source of inpiration. Love Andy Warhol, Paul caulfield and Roy Lichenstein and I am ready to crack out some new paintings. Sooo excited.